- **MHacks 8 Hacker Boards (Oct 2016)** - An affordable, easy entry into hardware hacking with an ESP8266 (Arduino + Wi-Fi), including open-source hardware and a workshop. The second generation of the MHacks: Refactor boards from Feb 2016.
- **MHacks Refactor Hacker Boards (Feb 2016)** - An affordable, easy entry into hardware hacking with an ESP8266 (Arduino + Wi-Fi), including open-source hardware and a workshop (same as MHacks 8).
- **Gateway (Dec 2015)** - A low-power doorway tracking idea for indoor localization, implemented as a a low-power Doorjamb revision. Built using NXP nRF51822 SoCs communicating over Bluetooth LE to an Intel Edison with a Node.js server and MongoDB database.
- **MHacks 6 Hacker Boards (Sept 2015)** - An affordable, easy entry into hardware hacking with an Arduino Leonardo clone, including a workshop given at MHacks 6.
- MyBot (Feb 2015) - A wheelchair built on a FRC robot chassis, controllable via a Thalmic Labs Myo armband through an iPhone app. Won its category at the 2015 MPowered Makeathon.
- **Backseat Driver (Sept 2014)** - An Android app that would teach new drivers how to drive a manual transmission vehicle, with data from an OBDII-Bluetooth dongle. Built at MHacks IV.
- Formula SAE instrument cluster (April 2014) - An Arduino-based dashboard and automatic transmission controller for MRacing.
- FRC Abacus (July 2013) - An Android app released on the Play Store for tracking a First Robotics Competition unofficial offseason event’s (2013 IRI) elimination rounds.
- **FRC 2337 Crossfire robot (April 2013)** - Lead programmer and driver for the 2013 FRC 2337 robot, which played a version of ultimate frisbee and finished as state runners-up and qualified for the world championship.